Author name: richardf11

Case study of disruptive technology Kodak/Polaroid and combined adoption curve theorem of Electric vehicles versus Mules.

Bargain at the camera shop Spring of the early 90s managing Checker Products, I always had ad deadlines shoot the photos, run into town to the South side Walmart’s auto photo developing machinery, drop off my film, go do something else, come back. Only then could I determine which photo was best , my money …

Case study of disruptive technology Kodak/Polaroid and combined adoption curve theorem of Electric vehicles versus Mules. Read More »

How did Dinosaurs get in our gas tanks? The four lanes of Kingshighway rumbling with 70’s muscle cars, Fast Back Mustangs, GTO’s, and Dodge Chargers ran through the heart of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The primary route North and South taking American V8s directly to Saint Louis Cardinal baseball games or south, past Memphis to white sand beaches of Florida. 10 to 12 …

How did Dinosaurs get in our gas tanks? Read More »

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